Preventing A Toilet Backup

Jason Hunt

If you're like most people, you simply expect your toilet to function properly. The reality is that there are a number of factors that can cause your toilet to backup and not function correctly. When a toilet backs up, this doesn't just cause an inconvenience, it can also lead to a major flood in your home. Floods can cause significant damage to your belongings and the structural components inside your home. Preventing a backup is important.

Damaged Pipes

Cracked, broken and blocked pipes can all cause your toilet to overflow. This is an especially high risk if you have large trees in your yard. As the roots from the trees extend, they can grow into the pipes under your ground, damaging them.

An excessive sediment buildup inside a pipe is another issue that can cause a problem. A lot of sediment inside the pipe could cause the pipe to break. Pipe damage that leads to a backup can be avoided with regular plumbing inspections from a professional.

Blocked Vent

Another issue that can contribute to your backup risk is a blocked vent. Plumbing vents need to be open so that air can get into the drain line, to help move the water flow out. When the vents are blocked, the water won't flow out correctly.

Blocked vents don't just limit the water flow, but it can also increase sediment accumulation, which also increases the risk of a backup. This problem can be avoided by ensuring your drain vents are not blocked. Even something as minor as leaves covering the space is enough to cause a problem.

When Trouble Strikes

While prevention is the most important tool, the unfortunate reality is that a toilet backup can still occur. If your toilet backs up and causes a flood inside your home, it's not the end of the world. A water damage restoration company like Thompson Valley Disaster Kleenup can come help restore your home.

Water damage restoration companies begin this process by removing the water. After the water is removed, a technician will thoroughly inspect the areas affected by the flood. Evidence of mold, rotting wood or other structural damage is all investigated. Once these problems have been ruled out or rectified, your home can be remodeled.

Make certain you are making an effort to prevent a backup. However, should a backup occur, make certain you call on a professional water damage restoration company.

